RC Brandon

Welcome to our Second Location:

76 North Street, Brandon, VT

Sundays 10:00 AM







We're excited to have Pastor Noah and his family join our Roadside Chapel family!

As Campus Pastor for our new Brandon campus, located at 76 North Street in the Forest Dale area of Brandon, he's looking forward to meeting you.


He and his wife, Christina, grew up in southern New England and have a passion for ministry in the northeast. In 2019, Pastor Noah and Christina entered into full time ministry in the areas of youth, young adults, worship, and kids ministry prior to following the Lord’s leading to Roadside Chapel in 2024. 


Pastor Noah has a passion to see the lost and the broken transformed by the word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. He believes that nobody is too far gone or has run too far as to disqualify themselves from the love and restoration of Jesus.


Noah and Christina have three incredible kids and live in Brandon, Vermont. 


Weekly services are Sundays at 10:00 AM.  Invite your family and friends for an inspiring time of praise and worship and practical messages.


While the adults are worshipping upstairs, all children from nursery through 5th grade are meeting for Kidz Church in the lower section of the church facility. 


Come early for coffee and a time of fellowship.  Doors open at 9:30 AM.


Join us for a four-week study of the death & resurrection of Jesus.  Did He really die? Is the resurrection a hoax?

Tuesdays at 6:30 PM beginning March 18

at RC Rutland.

Annual Spring Conference

Saturday March 29 from 10 AM to 3 PM

at Church of the Rock in St. Albans.

Go to the Welcome Center for details.

Empowering Education is starting a Co-Op for homeschool families every Wednesday starting January 15th, 10 AM -2 PM

at RC Rutland.

Weekly at

RC Brandon



10:00 AM Worship Service



6:30 PM

Ladies Bible Study


To hear weekly sermons click HERE.

RC Kids

Newborn - 5th Grade

Every Week!


RC Kidz is available during our

10:00 AM Worship Service.

Newborn - 5th grade.

Please check in at 

Kids' Church on the lower level.


RC Youth (6th-12th grade)  meets Sundays 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

at the Rutland Campus

Friend Day is March 30th! Invite your friends for fun, fellowhsip, and giveaways!


Have questions? We have the answers!

Where are you located?
What time is service?
Where do I park?
Is there something for my kids?
What does a Typical Service Look Like?
How do I join a ministry?
How do I join a small group?
How can I get involved in serving?


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Address: 76 North Street, Brandon, VT 

We are open: Call for hours

Phone: 802.775.5805
E-mail: office@roadsidechapelag.org