God never intended us to live this Christian life alone. Nor did He intend us to meet just once a week in corporate worship.  He's called us to live and love in relationship with others.  That's why small groups are an integral part of the Christian walk.  We don't just "do" church, but we start "being" the church.


Small Groups Based on Common Interests












Intercessory Prayer


6:00 PM


We gather together for an hour to lift up in prayer the needs of our church family and community. Led by Benjamin Samminga and Elizabeth Dulli.

Mixed Group. - In-Person

Divorce Care



Conference Room

A safe place where caring people come alongside you for healing from the pain of separation or divorce. Video-based, discussion, workbook.  Click below for info.

Mixed Group - Hybrid (In-Person & Online)

Ladies' Bible Study


10:30 AM

Pat Falco's Home in West Rutland

Join an in-depth study of God's word each week for women of all ages.  This is our longest running Bible Study at Roadside Chapel. New study on Prayer.


Women - In-Person

Material Girls Quilting


1:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Fellowship Hall

Interested in quilting or sewing -- beginners on up? Great time of fellowship as you work on your own project. Led and taught by Olivia Teja, Kathryn Shanahan & Andrea Loso.

Women - In-Person

Grief Share



Conference Room

We offfer the 13-week support and recovery group as well as two stand-alone 2-hour workshops, "Loss of a Spouse" and "Surviving the Holidays". Video-based, with discussion & personal journal.

Mixed Group - In-Person


Limited Duration Groups Based on a Specific Topic 

The Case for Christmas

Tuesdays Dec 3, 10, and 17


Fellowship Hall

We'll look at the "traditions" surrounding the birth of Jesus and which ones are real and discover the reality of the virgin birth and the prophecies fulfilled in Jesus' birth.

Video and discussion. 

Led by Paul and Olivia Teja


Mixed Group - Hybrid (Online & In-Person)

Financial Peace Univ.



Fellowship Hall

In this 9-week course, learn how to pay off debt, invest wisely in your future, give with outrageous generosity, & live out what the Bible says about money. There is a discounted fee of $70 per individual/couple for this study.  Scholarships are available. Led by Gary Besaw & Paul Teja. (Next session to be announced)


Mixed Group - In-Person

The Case for Easter


Tuesdays March 18, 25, & April 1, and 8 

6:30 pm

Fellowship Hall

Wonder if the biblical account of Jesus' death and resurrection is accurate? Did He fulfill Old Testament prophecies? Can we believe in His physcial resurrection? Video and discussion-based.

Led by Paul and Olivia Teja


Mixed Group -Hybrid Online & In-Person)


Long-Term Relational Groups Where We "Do Life Together"

Life Intended for Eternity 

Altlernate Fridays

6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Judy Taranovich's Home in Proctor

For working women or beyond, for a time of Bible study, discussion, food, and fellowship. Led by Judy Taranovich and Linda Loprete. 

Women - In-Person

Stephens Life Group


6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

Lauston & Cindy Lauston's Home in Rutland.

One opening - contact Paul Teja

Studying The Impact of Ordinary People by Don Wilkerson. Open to men and women, married and single. Mid-60s  to mid-70s.

Led by Lauston and Cindy Stephens.

Mixed Group - In-Person

McGee Life Group


6:30 to 8:00 PM

Mark & Kim McGee's Home in Florence

For couples & singles, mixed ages. Food, fellowship and discussion. Hybrid in-person and online.  Might discuss a video or book one week and the pastor's sermon the next. Led by Kim and Mark McGee.

Mixed Group - Hybrid (In-Person & Online)

TBA Life Group

Stay tuned.

More life groups forming soon.










TBA Life Group

Stay tuned.

More life groups forming soon.








TBA Life Group

Stay tuned.

More life groups forming soon.