STEPHENS LIFE GROUP: Open to men and women -- married and single -- mid-60s and above. Book study, prayer, discussion, and snacks. Currently studying The Minor Prophets. Limited Seating.
WHERE: Lauston and Cindy Stephens' home in Rutland
WHEN: Thursdays, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
DURATION: On-going
FACILITATORS: Lauston and Cindy Stephens
Prayer is central to the Christian faith, yet many struggle to make it a daily habit. In this study we'll learn how to build, vibrant, fulfilling prayer lives.
Wonder if the biblical account of Jesus' death and resurrection is accurate? Can we believe in His physical resurrection? Join us for the four week video series by Lee Strobel.
Tired of cooking the same old food week after week? Want to liven up your repertoire and try other cuisines.
Have you ever played soccer or wanted to try it, but no time to join a league? Well, now's your chance. The Rutland Recreation Department is offering Adult Co-Ed Drop-In Soccer for anyone 15 and up.
Part of our boardgame small groups, open to anyone interested in playing chess, checkers, or cribbage. Don't know how to play? Come out and learn. 8 week semester.
Once a month we meet to work on our individual DIY projects. Great time of fellowship -- show off your latest project -- get advice and help. See what others are doing that you might like to try.
Interested is quilting or sewing? Whether a beginner or advanced, join us for a time of learning, fellowship, and laughter.
Join an in-depth study of God's word each week for women of all ages. Led by Christina O'Connor.
Join an in-depth study of God's word each week for women of all ages. Led by Pat Falco.
Raisisng children is both rewarding and at times tiring. Moms need a break to be around others their own age. Get together with other women for a time of food, fellowship, and discussion relevant to the specific needs of moms.
RC Young Adults exists for young adults ages 18-29 who want to connect and grow in their relationship with God and others.
Come join us before work to start your day off right. Coffee, donuts, fellowship, and Bible study.
For working women or beyond for a time of Bible study, discussion, and prayer.